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Dreams of Epicity

WARNING: what is written below is a dream and has not been proof read for accuracy.

Matt (my cousin) got invited to a boat party where Eminem was inviting people to showcase their talent. Matt brought me with him. He had been invited to this once before and that time also ended in disaster with the two of us narrowly escaping.

While we are all on the boat and matt is rapping, he is clearly the most favored of everyone there, the waves start to pick up. Then they start to get HUGE. People are being swept from the boat left and right, mostly the bad rappers and annoying people. That is when Em grabs me and matt and the few people that are left on the boat to try and escape. We have to convince one very drunk person not to jump into the water and commit suicide, he decides we are right and comes with us.

In this next section I took a break from that dream and was driving around with my dad and a neighbor of mine in a car which I got into an accident in. So then we get into my neighbors 18 wheeler and start driving. The roads are slippery and since I havn't ever driven an 18 wheeler I go off the road. I have my dad take over and he is no better and ends up sliding the trailer off a bridge. While the trailer is hanging off the bridge me, my dad, and my neighbor narrowly escape the cab before the whole truck falls into the ocean.... I feel really bad for losing my neighbors 18 wheeler because I never knew what was inside of it and guessed it was probably important to her.

all that to get back to the other dream.

The next part is quite blurry but as the tsunami sized waves peek over the horizon we are getting off the boat and make it into a helicopter... which my dad is flying... damn.

By this point the tsunami waves are crashing into the city that we had been at before going out onto the boat. Flooding the huge city and all of its streets, thousands and thousands of people dying as the waves keep pounding. So my dad has the brilliant idea to fly us out over the waves in order to escape them, but since he is so fascinated with their power he keeps flying very low and we have to yell at him to go up right before a wave takes us out. As we get out into the ocean we start to see houses... almost a town of houses... more like shacks... Mississippi delta shacks on stilts on the top of a barrier reef of some sort. The water has become much more calm out here and the waves are breaking a couple miles off from the reef now. My dad some how manages to crash the helicopter without hurting any of the passengers. At this point the passengers of the helicopter are all changing faces all of the time, the only constant person in the group was me.

So we are stuck on this island like reef and now all of the sudden we have a dead body with us as well that we are trying to hide from the locals. I think we had to kill the person because they were going crazy and that is another one of the reasons we flew out over the ocean, so we could dump the body. While we stand around on some rocks, surrounded by some curious reef island people, I stuff the body between some cracks in the rocks and that is where we leave it.

After a few minutes I start to notice that the waves are getting closer to the shallow reef. The locals tell me not to worry because waves never get up to where their houses are and as he is telling me this a wave comes in and comes much much closer to where we are. I turn to him and tell him that "those days are over". For some reason the island people decide to help us get to saftey and give us a hybrid... land/water car. This car was meant to fit 4 people but we manage to fit all 7 of us in there. At this point kate (my wife) is in our group now and she is sitting with me in the car. After a 50 mile treacherous drive back to the shore and something to do with a draw bridge and 4th of july fireworks and an old man decoy, we finally make it back to safety.

The New York sized city has been destroyed but at least we have made it out with our lives. There was also a part before we got in the car where we had to battle a girl that was in our group that was going crazy and wanted to steal the car. Anyways, then I woke up from my dream.

stoked on epic dreams,

1 comment:

Michael + Anna Costa Photographers said...

I'm glad you didn't die in your dream! Though I have died in my dreams before!